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Thursday, August 2, 2012

If You Give a Pig a Badge...

It's stupid to argue that someone who is defending themselves against a law enforcement officer violating their civil rights is wasting time that could be used to defend other people. If this guy isn't defending one person why would he defend another? Giving some people a badge is like giving a child with Downs Syndrome a shiny sticker, no offense but you know when you give a slow kid a shiny sticker they walk around like they're the shit letting everyone know they're special and that's why they have a shiny sticker and you don't. Some cops do just that though “I have a shiny badge and that means I have rights over yours… See that’s why I have a badge and you don’t!” and they use scare tactics to intimidate people so they can abuse their position of power without any reaction. Then when some people film them defending their rights against these bad cops who are clearly breaking rules even they are obligated to follow, stupid people argue it’s just wasting their time and preventing them from helping others. Here’s my question though, if that cop wouldn’t defend the one guy would he defend another? The only time being wasted is the time that will be wasted in court trying to get rid of a bad officer or defending him against someone well in their rights simply trying to protect them and the society they are a part of, in some cases the court will waste time and money defending the citizen from a crappie cop that shouldn’t even have his job to begin with. I’d like to also mention I don’t dislike all cops but I do know some people in power don’t deserve their job and don’t deserve my respect any more than a jailed criminal. 

You get something totally different when you give a good, well balanced, moral man a badge than when you give a pig a badge… You get a COP.  

Point is you should always defend yourself and never give in to abuse no matter who it is from… That badge is meaningless unless the cop enforcing the law follows it himself. If the cop is breaking the law, then hold that man responsible all the same as you would those of us who don’t have a badge. 

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