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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Why I hate politics...

It's real simple here why I hate politics or more so why I hate discussing them, actually more like loathe. I think it's fair to say that now days I am social and I am rather well spoken and have some respectful views of the world, but some people will not be convinced they are wrong. I can, why can't other folks? Well, some folks will lie and lie when everyone around them knows the stone cold truth and never change their mind. They'll flat out say some bulls**t to make a point even though it is well known common knowledge they are arguing against.So no matter how much or how well you argue they will not change their mind... So why bother to argue?

I say I don't belong to any political party for this reason, either side can be right or wrong at any given moment! Labels like this are a huge reason we fight in the first place, someone says they're this or that and some one says they're the other and boom neither of them could ever be right in the other persons eyes no matter what even if they're discussing parenting... Well, in my eyes they're both wrong in that case... I believe we should all just call ourselves Americans with one common goal in mind and that is making a better safer America. Better yet how about we just be PEOPLE with one common goal of making a better, safer, PEACEFUL WORLD? No labels, no fighting, no lying, just coming together to put forth ideas that benefit us all as a whole!

So if I am ever approached about politics keep in mind I follow my own... I believe in helping out in anyway I can to better our planet, telling the truth, being positive, being humane, not making my every goal in life driven towards personal gain, I listen to others opinions and humor them because even though I may not agree with an opinion, fighting over it will only make me feel negative... I also believe that when you know you're wrong to the point that the s**t flying out of your mouth makes people want to cause you harm it's time to give up and admit you're a lying piece of s**t and not continue to lie and make yourself look even dumber than you already have!

Another thing, none of us and I mean NONE of us are anywhere near as smart as some of us seem to think we are... We are insignificant in the grand scheme of things and we don't even fully use our brain! This world and universe is much to vast for you to gain all the knowledge there is to gain in this lifetime, which means when you call someone stupid you in return are calling yourself stupid. We all live in different walks of life and had entirely different learning experiences. No one is any smarter than anyone else, perhaps more knowledgeable in a certain subject but that's it. You need to open yourself up to learning and realize how little you really do know despite how smart you think you are. I know one thing for sure and that is that I don't know anything... I have wisdom, life experience and some education but I'm not even a tiny bit closer to being knowledgeable in all walks of life.

Now if you excuse me I'm going back to writing about zombies...

1 comment:

  1. Regardless, there is a time when we have to choose and we must choose the lesser of two evils. Just do the right thing because if you cause that left ticket to split, I'm gonna beat you up!


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