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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Getting to know me is rough... I don't trust anyone and earning that trust can be difficult. I'm a bit of a mystery and the amount you get to know me will vary upon my trust level. If you're curious I encourage you to give a shot at getting to know me. I'm this way from experience, I'm aware of who I am as a person, I'm comfortable with that person, and I will always know better. I don't mean to be so cynical but I can't help it.

Some people would say I'm at least a little crazy and I'd be inclined to agree, but I've yet to meet anyone who is as "perfect" as they may pretend to be and don't exactly know what to classify as "crazy" these days. I'm quiet, like to sit back and watch and get used to environments I'm new to. Because of this I seem shy but I assure you I am not. Everyone is pushing some kind of facade and I can look past that and see to the real person and I like to know who I'm dealing with before I deal with them. What you see from me is who I am but only to a certain level. I will let you see only what I want you to see, the deeper you get the closer you will be to me and if I trust you that much I can rest easier.

In most cases, if you can't be patient and earn my respect and trust then I will not like you and you're going to push me further and further away. In that case you probably don't want to get to know me and have some other kind of motive or you just need someone to talk to. I'll shoot the shit with you but you don't need to know me. Beyond that you can spectate or pass me by.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Start a Cult Teaser Trailer is here!

Work on my new short film has begun! Get ready! SHARE this trailer, LIKE this trailer, SUBSCRIBE to my channel and lets make this one go viral! OBEY!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Video Capture

So I was testing some of the Magix software with the Roxio Video Capture USB that came with the Roxio VHS to DVD software. While doing so I discovered with this combo I can record Dreamcast videos from my VCR. Up until this point I really haven't cared to much for Magix but the video capture program has given me ultimate control over my video capturing. This should come in handy later on! I also think the quality came out a whole let better than with the VHS to DVD software to...

Check out so House of the Dead footage I captured: 

 The House if the Dead II and the Dreamcast logo are property of Sega and no copyright is intended.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Don't mess with my films!


Props for creating scenes that police official's can't say is fake without proper investigation! Now, while I do partake in torture porn it's not something I fancy. I did get really into Saw and Hostel but this isn't the type of movie I usually seek out. I'm more into the idea of creating something so real that one can't decipher from fantasy and reality. Pushing the bar to such a point you effect someones sense of reality should be something any story teller should appreciate! If you start messing with someones right to create and express themselves freely though then we all need to be worried. The content doesn't matter, don't like it, don't watch it. Don't like serial killers then advocate proper mental health care. The serial killers never came for movies! There had to be someone to inspire most of these ideas. Where did those folks get their inspiration? Jack the Ripper, Ed Gain, Jeffrey Dahmer, Charles manson, etc... All these folks inspired movies but never came from movies! The thought that violent movies corrupt "normal" or "innocent" minds and breed serial killers is ridiculous. People without some kind of issue prior to a movie just do not act out this way and most of the people who have were inspired by real life events and not movies! I.E. abuse from piers and parents or corrupt teachings from mentors. Why is it the battle we fight is never against the things that truly breed hate? Breaking down the first amendment and telling someone what is okay to express and why defeats the purpose of it in the first place! We are violent by nature and when you allow someone breach that part of a young persons mind, you allow them to create a violent adult. The real efforts should be against abusive parents and piers as well as the wasted time, money and efforts against these film makers who ninety percent of the time are in defense of those people. This guy creates some intense imagery and has done great film work but he does not deserve to be arrested for creating art! Whether or not you like the materiel he's created is beside the point... No one should advocate this!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16th, 2012

The few materiel things I want anymore are patches, dental floss to sew with, old t-shirt scraps to put together cloths and materials to create... Most of these things can come pretty easy and for little to no money. Just proves to me I can be totally satisfied while avoiding most fiscal things. Still every once in a while I need money and really get consumed by the fact I need that chedda... Can I be comfortable and freelance? That's the question at hand now. I'm going to try a whole buncha stuff to support myself without giving into the ideals of the ones who control our financial institutions and then write about it. Something about living as an artist and supporting yourself without giving up all of your time and letting go of morals. Actually that sounds like a really awesome way to get more content into the blog.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tacky Christmas light display for 2012 and one classy tree

One hell ova tree! Quite classy to...

Whole house from a distance.

Close up...

Another close up...

And we only get to celebrate the end of the world once in a life time so the Mayan calender! Might be Aztec, it was meant to be... As far as I know they're both the same thing anyway....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

People like to hear themselves talk...

I'd like to see a politician or public speaker who'd bring people on stage with them and have them explain their opinions. I bet you nine out of every ten people who claim someone is a Communist, socialist, like Hitler or any thing like that couldn't even explain to you why they think that much less even define the words or the difference between them. It's easy to just bark out something like that when you don't have to explain yourself. How many people do you think could even explain why they think such things? If you pulled those people on stage to explain themselves after shouting something like that I bet most of them would talk them self into a circle or stand there like a deer in headlights.... I just wish people had more common sense and actually knew what they were talking when they spoke on things that effect everyone as a whole.

Also it's Dec. 2nd and it's 64 degrees in Owensboro KY... Is that normal?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New YouTube content!

New video up on YouTube which can also be seen here in the Film and Video section. Two Years of EXPLOSIONS and Pyromania! Go check it out!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

YouTube Updae

Got a couple ideas for videos on YouTube. Just filler while I and my cousin with my help work on bigger projects. We should see a new video in the coming days.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stalked Short Film Update


As you know me and my close friends have been working on a short film called "stalked". If you haven't been following it on Facebook then you don't know that the film is uploaded and at midnight you will be able to view it! The Gag Reel I did will be up as soon as I can get it up following the film! Be sure to watch it on YouTube! Vimeo limits me to the quality of video I can upload and  the one there isn't great. I have however gone through great lengths and taken the time to prepare and upload a good full HD video onto YouTube which you will be able to view directly on my website in the film and video section! See you guys at midnight!

Here is trailer II:


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Me and my close friends have been working on this short film I've been itching to do. Check out the trailer below! Stay tuned to for updates.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

"The Child" News

So, I've sat in front of a word processor for the past however long writing "The Child" under it's new working title "The Innocent Dead and The Creator" and felt it necessary to include a thought out warning. Here is what came out:

This novel is based on a poem I wrote about a year ago entitled “The Child”. This poem inspired the idea and I started writing. Before I share this poem and story with you I must warn you this novel uses some intense visuals and texts. This novel describes in graphic detail, the sacrificial death of children along with photographic illustrations. It also contains some fictional writings of cultism, possession, demons as well as some visuals and writings inspired by the imagery of Satan in art and literature. The following writings may be very disturbing to some readers. This is meant to be dark and a little graphic with intentions to shock and spook readers. No one has been harmed in any way during the making of this book. None of it is inspired by any real events, this is a total work of fiction and the photography involved is all STAGED to look real. So if you are easily disturbed or frightened then I would suggest not reading on. However if you like dark imagery that is totally pretend no matter how intense and was a ton of fun for all parties involved to create than please read on!

Also, if you are a parent and your child reads this whether or not you wanted them to. Instead of coming after me for being sick and twisted please take the time to explain to them its entertainment value and the significant difference between exaggerated media and real life. Having a responsible parent who didn’t shelter me but always stood by to explain things and guide me let me enjoy the good and bad in life. On top of that it kept me from thinking some things that aren’t okay were anything else. The world we live in today parents must not censor life for their children but must explain things and guide them honestly. Life can be ugly and you can’t stop that but you can teach your kids how to survive in a world that is ugly.

Now enjoy the novel…

I'm focused and driven to have this ready to
print ASAP! But I need a short break right this second.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Got a few updates that come with a dump of new content I've been working on!
 So I've started carrying my best cameras around everywhere I go which means I should have a lot more to share. Content wise I've been working hard every moment of free time I can find to create visuals to spice things up. I truly feel like the site is in a finished state now. I put a ton of work into building the site and designing things and when I'm not busy elsewhere it eats up a ton of my free time. So from now on I really hope to have a lot more to look at to go along with the writing.    

 So new content! First I've created a new Ad for the site which took a little more time and creativity than the last. I really kind of like it, take a look:  

Now other than that and the obvious lay out changes and other new visuals on the website I have a new poem up. Be sure to go check it out in the Writing section of the site. It's called Fighting for Utopia:

That's it for now, more to come....

Monday, November 5, 2012

What should I write about?

   Okay, tell me what kind of stuff I should talk about in my blog... Give me some topics and I will research and form an opinion. I will then tackle the topics one at a time in my blogs over the next few weeks as I get free time and start discussions. Ready, GO!

Update 11/05/2012

I have been insanely busy lately but hopefully will have a window to sit down and write. Right now I'm trying to keep my Ebay constantly active for income as well as cuoponing to build up a surplus of all the things we use and in some cases to stock my Ebay. That alone has been a ton of work and I've found myself working on just those things into the wee hours of the night. Keep an eye out for some good deals by checking out my Ebay or watching my Facebook posts. Other than that this week, tomorrow is voting day and Saturday I'll be going to an open house for college. Lots to be done, never ends.


Monday, October 29, 2012


If you don't itch to spend every second of your life doing your art, don't lose sleep, lose track of hours and get completely lost in your craft you've yet to find something that speaks to you. Once it does though it will consume you. I know what I am, I know what I want and I've learned and am learning how to get it. Nothing will ever keep me away from getting to where I want to be and once there I will need to go even further. Nothing will ever be good enough or complete enough until my brain shuts off for good.

Click Here!


Friday, October 26, 2012


A new poem titled Pestilence is up in the Writing section of my website.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A little piece on my first paranormal encounter in time to get some October chills...

I don’t know when it was exactly now but I believe I was in the range of seven through nine years of age. I experienced my first encounter with anything paranormal and I can’t explain how or why this event took place. I’m not claiming anything like I saw a full bodied apparition or anything like that but for lack of a better term we’ll call it poltergeist activity. Either way I haven’t talked about this much and it’s mainly because I take a lot of paranormal claims with a grain of salt. A ton of people get on T.V. and tell wild ass stories and I couldn’t tell you if these people really experienced these things and half the time I guarantee they just want attention. But the haunt season is upon us and with Halloween around the corner I wanted to leave you with something to get under your skin. So I’m going to try and paint you a vivid picture of what I saw, enjoy…

It was a hot and muggy summer day and I was going to check out a summer camp to attend with my mom and uncle. Being a little kid getting ready was throwing on some shoes and running outside to dick around while I had the chance. My mom took her time getting ready though so I had time to kill outside and I did just that.  I went to each friend’s house and maybe got to talk to one of them real quick but inevitably ended up outside alone. There were some clouds in the sky but there really wasn’t much wind or anything so it was pretty calm out. Despite living next to a busy highway in an apartment complex it was a really quiet day, maybe a person or two passing every thirty minutes if that.

Since my quest to bug a friend until I left had failed I decided to just sit on the steps of my porch. There were four or five steps leading up to a heavy metal door with an electronic lock and a window in the center. There was simply no way to get in without being buzzed in or having a key unless you broke in somehow. I sat about two steps down and watched out into the open area in front of me. Our house was up a floor and our window was next to those steps and open so I could hear inside. In front of me was a view of an empty intersection and a playground just behind a large ditch all of which was in front of an apartment building. So I sat watching out noticing every little movement, watching squirrels run around, flowers growing and so on.

While I sat there the knob on the door behind me started to jiggle thinking someone might come out I looked back real quick to see if I needed to get out of the way but when I turned I saw no one in the window. I shrugged it off and went back to watching nature but there it was again, real rough and aggressive. It sounded like someone was just jerking it around without purpose; still no one was at the door. I stood up and looked at it witnessing it jiggle with my own eyes and no one being there. I started to walk towards it a bit and the door cracked open a little but not enough to see inside so I thinking my friend down stairs was actually home and now messing with me started to walk towards the door to catch her in the act. Here I was taken back because the door slammed shut the first step I took and rather violently at that. I stood there a minute thinking she’d come out admit she was being silly and then I was taken completely off guard. As I stepped back off the step I was on the door swung wide open almost instantly and stayed completely open and there was absolutely nothing there. No one there to have opened it, moved the knob, close it or hold it wide open. I was stunned for a minute or so and the whole time I stood there staring the door stayed wide open. I started towards the door in disbelief and intended to find some explanation but it slammed shut just as fast as it opened almost hitting me. I quickly ran down the stairs and stared back up. As I looked forward I got to watch the door knob jiggle and the door open and shut for about a minute. Just then my mom yelled out the window “Josh! Stop messing with the damn door knob!” the door slammed shut and all the activities stopped instantly. Not long after my mom came down and I asked her if we could wait for my uncle by the curb and we did. Eventually my uncle got there and we went about our day me thinking about nothing other than what I saw though I didn’t tell anyone.

Later that night we got home with the earlier events stuck in my head and I caught a preview of Ghost Hunters. An idea struck, I thought of how they go around taking pictures to see things. I had a disposable camera I’d been walking around playing with and I decided to use it to take pictures. I went downstairs nervously and alone with the camera where it was now dark in a poorly lit hallway. I started taking pictures when the button locked in place. While trying to unjam the button I dropped the camera and so I leaned to pick it up. What happened next will forever be burnt in my brain; I will never be able to forget it. As I started to lean down the camera began to lift up off the ground a bit and I jumped back. Then I stood and watched as this disposable camera floated six feet in the area nothing at all to support it and take a picture then crash down the stairs to the basement and go into a few pieces. Needless to say I didn’t go to get nor did I stand there for very long. I ran up those stairs so fast I was in our apartment about the same time my foot hit the first step. I never really talked about it nor did I go downstairs alone ever again and if I did it was very brief.

This event is very real to me and really did happen, I can’t offer you any explanation but I can tell you there probably isn’t much of a way to obtain one. I’ll never forget what happened and I still wonder to this day what may have developed on that film. Perhaps it’s a good thing I never got to see it, maybe it made my life easier. Anyway happy October and I hope this was effective in giving you a chill remembering this event always gives me a little paranoia.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My second pumpkin this year

My second attempt at 3D pumpkin sculpting with more success I think.

My Pumpkin This Year

My first attempt at 3D pumpkin carving... I may try this again when I can invest in proper tools. I need more practice.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Thought I should mention that I am now actively using my EBAY account again in hopes of raking in some income. Keep an eye on my store and get some good buys!

Click HERE for my EBAY store

October filler...

I have been completely out of touch with myself this month... I've almost enjoyed nothing at all this October and if you know me you know how odd that is. Life has it's ups and downs though and I'm feeling a bit better and a little more aware. I'm getting back on track now and am trying to focus myself on what really matters to me. While I get back into the swing of working on creating here are some highlights of what I've said on Facebook.

Out of everything that you know exists that you can barely comprehend much less touch, see, smell or hear do you really think you are the center of the entire universes attention? Get over yourself and go do something productive with your life before you die... For extra points try not to make that something based entirely on how much money it will make you.

Why do people with degrees think they know everything and bark things at you as if they are facts and you are some poor lost soul who doesn't understand real life because you don't act like a mindless sheep. Is it the piece of paper they give them for following directions and scoring well on multiple choice tests?

Those are the most opinionated things  I have written since the haunt season began! That's not right... Tomorrow I vow to over decorate last minute and out do everyone in the neighborhood and write a whole bunch. Maybe I'll put together a short story just for Halloween. Anyway I am for sure going to do a bulk movie review before I go see Silent Hill.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Wow, a life of drugs and abuse to your body in the name of rock and roll and you die because of shoulder surgery. Smoke every day until you’re a hundred and break a hip then die from complications. Years of tempting fate, jumping from planes, off buildings, picking fights constantly with the wrong people then die naturally in your sleep. Everything is random and you can't predict anything, especially death. You can keep going to bed every night telling yourself tomorrow will be a new day but truthfully you don’t know that. You’ve got to start living the second you’re born! How long can you spend in school or in training working towards a goal? How much effort do you put towards achieving that goal in the moment? How much do you worry about what other people think and whether or not you are wrong? Are you even working towards what you want? What if this is the only shot you have and you’re wasting it? I’ve spent too much time trying to figure out something I already know at the expense of other people’s opinions. **** money, **** opinions, and **** expectations. When I die I want to have lived and not have spent a life time going to school, preparing, getting enough money for or working towards something. I’m going to have actually done it without question. I'm going to jump right into it and if I fail at least I gave it a shot and as long as I’m breathing I’ll give it another. I'm sick of waiting, I'm sick of listening, and I'm sick of TRYING to impress those who can’t be and will not be. I may not be good enough for you or live up to your expectations but I'm going to be good enough for MYSELF and live up to MY expectations and I’m going to do it MY way. If you can’t be happy with that and leave it alone go ahead and write yourself out of my life right here and now! Better get out of my way if you’re going to just stand there, might knock you over when I’m passing by...

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