have been insanely busy lately but hopefully will have a window to sit
down and write. Right now I'm trying to keep my Ebay constantly active
for income as well as cuoponing to build up a surplus of all the things
we use and in some cases to stock my Ebay. That alone has been a ton of
work and I've found myself working on just those things into the wee
hours of the night. Keep an eye out for some good deals by checking out
my Ebay or watching my Facebook posts. Other than that this week,
tomorrow is voting day and Saturday I'll be going to an open house for
college. Lots to be done, never ends.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JTHWrites
Ebay: http://myworld.ebay.com/jthatfield
Ebay: http://myworld.ebay.com/jthatfield